
1:00:47 - Lucid
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Lucid confirmed their time - 1:00:47
BananaBoi964 finished the race - 1:04:38
Lucid finished the race - 1:00:47
BananaBoi964{Bowser} Mech | 58:55 | 92%
BananaBoi964-Bunny | 55:15 | 87%
LucidMech | 53:40 | 91%
LucidBunnies | 50:17 | 85%
BananaBoi964Draggin | 50:22 | 79%
BananaBoi964Lunch | 47:00 | 74%
LucidRuined | 45:56 | 78%
LucidLuncheon | 42:42 | 73%
BananaBoi964Gusher | 40:33 | 64%
BananaBoi964Snow | 37:07 | 58%
LucidSeaside | 36:29 | 62%
LucidSnow | 33:18 | 57%
BananaBoi964{Metro} Day | 31:53 | 50%
LucidDay Metro | 28:57 | 49%
BananaBoi964-Night | 27:28 | 43%
LucidNight Metro | 24:51 | 42%
LucidLost | 24:47 | 42%
LucidNight Metro | 24:23 | 42%
BananaBoi964Lost | 24:05 | 38%
LucidLost | 21:38 | 37%
BananaBoi964sigma rollerroc | 21:47 | 35%
BananaBoi964Wood | 20:17 | 32%
LucidCloud | 19:16 | 33%
LucidWooded | 17:47 | 31%
BananaBoi964Lake | 13:53 | 22%
LucidLake | 12:54 | 22%
BananaBoi964Sand | 11:03 | 18%
LucidSand | 10:11 | 18%
BananaBoi964Cascade | 05:40 | 9%
LucidCascade | 05:24 | 9%
LucidCap | 02:15 | 4%
BananaBoi964Hat | 02:24 | 4%
Race has started
Countdown started!
Mrjerkyjerky has left the race
Mrjerkyjerky: Okay glgl
BananaBoi964 is ready
Lucid is ready
BananaBoi964 has joined the race
Lucid has joined the race
Mrjerkyjerky has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1672 - Dansta2106
1650 - sa1102smo
Top Times This Month
57:31 - BusterDoggy
58:17 - Dansta2106
PB - 56:481535+35Done

PB - 59:451465-35Done

Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Lucid confirmed their time - 1:00:47
BananaBoi964 finished the race - 1:04:38
Lucid finished the race - 1:00:47
BananaBoi964{Bowser} Mech | 58:55 | 92%
BananaBoi964-Bunny | 55:15 | 87%
LucidMech | 53:40 | 91%
LucidBunnies | 50:17 | 85%
BananaBoi964Draggin | 50:22 | 79%
BananaBoi964Lunch | 47:00 | 74%
LucidRuined | 45:56 | 78%
LucidLuncheon | 42:42 | 73%
BananaBoi964Gusher | 40:33 | 64%
BananaBoi964Snow | 37:07 | 58%
LucidSeaside | 36:29 | 62%
LucidSnow | 33:18 | 57%
BananaBoi964{Metro} Day | 31:53 | 50%
LucidDay Metro | 28:57 | 49%
BananaBoi964-Night | 27:28 | 43%
LucidNight Metro | 24:51 | 42%
LucidLost | 24:47 | 42%
LucidNight Metro | 24:23 | 42%
BananaBoi964Lost | 24:05 | 38%
LucidLost | 21:38 | 37%
BananaBoi964sigma rollerroc | 21:47 | 35%
BananaBoi964Wood | 20:17 | 32%
LucidCloud | 19:16 | 33%
LucidWooded | 17:47 | 31%
BananaBoi964Lake | 13:53 | 22%
LucidLake | 12:54 | 22%
BananaBoi964Sand | 11:03 | 18%
LucidSand | 10:11 | 18%
BananaBoi964Cascade | 05:40 | 9%
LucidCascade | 05:24 | 9%
LucidCap | 02:15 | 4%
BananaBoi964Hat | 02:24 | 4%
Race has started
Countdown started!
Mrjerkyjerky has left the race
Mrjerkyjerky: Okay glgl
BananaBoi964 is ready
Lucid is ready
BananaBoi964 has joined the race
Lucid has joined the race
Mrjerkyjerky has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1672 - Dansta2106
1650 - sa1102smo
Top Times This Month
57:31 - BusterDoggy
58:17 - Dansta2106