Any% (No Major Glitches)

The Phor, Derek, and Slash Race

58:13 - Dereklander
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
SlashArbiter confirmed their time - 1:04:45
SlashArbiter commented: "pb :)"
SlashArbiter finished the race - 1:04:45
SlashArbiter{Citadel City} Pinstripe | 1:00:54 | 93%
Phorloh confirmed their time - 58:58
Phorloh finished the race - 58:58
Dereklander confirmed their time - 58:13
Dereklander commented: "personal best for now"
Dereklander finished the race - 58:13
SlashArbiter-Oxide Station | 57:17 | 88%
Phorloh{Citadel City} Pinstripe | 55:06 | 94%
DereklanderPinstripe | 54:37 | 94%
SlashArbiter-Hot Air Skyway | 53:42 | 82%
Phorloh-Oxide Station | 51:24 | 88%
DereklanderOxide Station | 51:16 | 87%
SlashArbiter-Cortex Castle | 49:52 | 76%
Phorloh-Hot Air Skyway | 48:13 | 83%
DereklanderHot Air Skyway | 47:58 | 81%
SlashArbiter-N. Gin Labs | 46:28 | 71%
Phorloh-Cortex Castle | 45:08 | 77%
DereklanderCortex Castle | 44:54 | 76%
SlashArbiter{Glacier Park} Komodo Joe | 42:28 | 65%
Phorloh-N. Gin Labs | 42:01 | 72%
Dereklandern.Gin Labs | 41:59 | 70%
SlashArbiter-Tiny Arena | 39:54 | 61%
Phorloh{Glacier Park} Komodo Joe | 38:30 | 66%
DereklanderKomodo JOe | 38:24 | 64%
Phorloh-Tiny Arena | 36:11 | 61%
DereklanderTiny Arena | 36:01 | 61%
SlashArbiter-Polar Pass | 35:35 | 54%
Phorloh-Polar Pass | 31:56 | 54%
SlashArbiter-Dragon Mines | 31:53 | 48%
DereklanderPolar Pass | 31:42 | 53%
SlashArbiter-Blizzard Bluff | 29:18 | 44%
Phorloh-Dragon Mines | 28:31 | 48%
DereklanderDragon mines | 28:21 | 48%
Phorloh-Blizzard Bluff | 26:22 | 45%
DereklanderBlizzard Bluff | 26:09 | 44%
SlashArbiter{The Lost Ruins} Papu Papu | 26:04 | 39%
Phorloh{The Lost Ruins} Papu Papu | 23:50 | 40%
DereklanderPapu Papu | 23:30 | 39%
SlashArbiter-Dingo Canyon | 23:17 | 35%
Phorloh-Dingo Canyon | 21:16 | 36%
DereklanderDingo Canyon | 21:16 | 36%
SlashArbiter-Papu's Pyramid | 20:52 | 31%
DereklanderPapu's Pyramid | 18:57 | 32%


Top Ratings
1589 - hypnoshark
1575 - GalaxianSR
1573 - Phorloh
Top Times This Month
PB - 58:291563+32Done

"personal best for now"
PB - 57:211534+4Done

PB - 1:07:341452-36Done

"pb :)"
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
SlashArbiter confirmed their time - 1:04:45
SlashArbiter commented: "pb :)"
SlashArbiter finished the race - 1:04:45
SlashArbiter{Citadel City} Pinstripe | 1:00:54 | 93%
Phorloh confirmed their time - 58:58
Phorloh finished the race - 58:58
Dereklander confirmed their time - 58:13
Dereklander commented: "personal best for now"
Dereklander finished the race - 58:13
SlashArbiter-Oxide Station | 57:17 | 88%
Phorloh{Citadel City} Pinstripe | 55:06 | 94%
DereklanderPinstripe | 54:37 | 94%
SlashArbiter-Hot Air Skyway | 53:42 | 82%
Phorloh-Oxide Station | 51:24 | 88%
DereklanderOxide Station | 51:16 | 87%
SlashArbiter-Cortex Castle | 49:52 | 76%
Phorloh-Hot Air Skyway | 48:13 | 83%
DereklanderHot Air Skyway | 47:58 | 81%
SlashArbiter-N. Gin Labs | 46:28 | 71%
Phorloh-Cortex Castle | 45:08 | 77%
DereklanderCortex Castle | 44:54 | 76%
SlashArbiter{Glacier Park} Komodo Joe | 42:28 | 65%
Phorloh-N. Gin Labs | 42:01 | 72%
Dereklandern.Gin Labs | 41:59 | 70%
SlashArbiter-Tiny Arena | 39:54 | 61%
Phorloh{Glacier Park} Komodo Joe | 38:30 | 66%
DereklanderKomodo JOe | 38:24 | 64%
Phorloh-Tiny Arena | 36:11 | 61%
DereklanderTiny Arena | 36:01 | 61%
SlashArbiter-Polar Pass | 35:35 | 54%
Phorloh-Polar Pass | 31:56 | 54%
SlashArbiter-Dragon Mines | 31:53 | 48%
DereklanderPolar Pass | 31:42 | 53%
SlashArbiter-Blizzard Bluff | 29:18 | 44%
Phorloh-Dragon Mines | 28:31 | 48%
DereklanderDragon mines | 28:21 | 48%
Phorloh-Blizzard Bluff | 26:22 | 45%
DereklanderBlizzard Bluff | 26:09 | 44%
SlashArbiter{The Lost Ruins} Papu Papu | 26:04 | 39%
Phorloh{The Lost Ruins} Papu Papu | 23:50 | 40%
DereklanderPapu Papu | 23:30 | 39%
SlashArbiter-Dingo Canyon | 23:17 | 35%
Phorloh-Dingo Canyon | 21:16 | 36%
DereklanderDingo Canyon | 21:16 | 36%
SlashArbiter-Papu's Pyramid | 20:52 | 31%
DereklanderPapu's Pyramid | 18:57 | 32%


Top Ratings
1589 - hypnoshark
1575 - GalaxianSR
1573 - Phorloh
Top Times This Month