All Bosses

All Bosses Easy PC(2000) triple race


58:48 - iLL_Pazzo
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
VolcanicAkuma55 confirmed their time - 1:03:02
VolcanicAkuma55 commented: ""Get out of the line." - John Pinette"
VolcanicAkuma55 finished the race - 1:03:02
VolcanicAkuma55 finished the race - 59:23
VolcanicAkuma55Escape | 59:08 | 100%
iLL_Pazzo commented: "yikes"
iLL_Pazzo confirmed their time - 58:48
iLL_Pazzo finished the race - 58:48
iLL_PazzoEscape | 58:34 | 100%
VolcanicAkuma55Liquid | 56:32 | 96%
VolcanicAkuma55Rex | 55:25 | 94%
iLL_PazzoLiquid | 56:00 | 96%
VolcanicAkuma55Red | 53:43 | 91%
iLL_PazzoRex | 54:45 | 94%
iLL_PazzoRed | 53:03 | 91%
VolcanicAkuma55Blue | 46:28 | 79%
iLL_PazzoBlue | 46:00 | 79%
VolcanicAkuma55Yellow | 42:59 | 74%
VolcanicAkuma55Yellow | 42:21 | 73%
VolcanicAkuma55PAL | 41:57 | 72%
iLL_PazzoYellow | 42:48 | 74%
iLL_PazzoPAL | 42:12 | 73%
VolcanicAkuma55Raven | 39:53 | 69%
VolcanicAkuma55Pazzo Delivery | 37:57 | 65%
iLL_PazzoRaven | 39:46 | 68%
VolcanicAkuma55Wolf 2 | 37:02 | 64%
iLL_PazzoPazzo Delivery | 37:47 | 65%
VolcanicAkuma55Hind | 34:53 | 61%
iLL_PazzoWolf 2 | 36:53 | 64%
iLL_PazzoHind | 33:54 | 60%
VolcanicAkuma55Boba Skip | 30:28 | 53%
repeatzzzzz commented: "crashed on a very good pace :("
iLL_PazzoBoba Skip | 29:23 | 52%
repeatzzzzz abandoned the race
VolcanicAkuma55Prison Break | 25:57 | 47%
repeatzzzzzPrison Break | 26:55 | 48%
iLL_PazzoPrison Break | 25:48 | 46%
VolcanicAkuma55Wolf | 22:20 | 40%
repeatzzzzzWolf | 23:14 | 41%
iLL_PazzoWolf | 22:11 | 40%
VolcanicAkuma55Armory | 20:18 | 37%
VolcanicAkuma55Armory | 19:52 | 36%
repeatzzzzzArmory | 20:51 | 37%
iLL_PazzoArmory | 20:08 | 36%
VolcanicAkuma55Mantis | 17:50 | 31%
VolcanicAkuma55Ninja | 17:02 | 28%


Top Ratings
1647 - iLL_Pazzo
Top Times This Month
PB - 59:221589+39Done

PB - 57:411461+11Done

""Get out of the line." - John Pinette"
PB - 1:01:231450-50DNF

Abandoned - 29:16
"crashed on a very good pace :("
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
VolcanicAkuma55 confirmed their time - 1:03:02
VolcanicAkuma55 commented: ""Get out of the line." - John Pinette"
VolcanicAkuma55 finished the race - 1:03:02
VolcanicAkuma55 finished the race - 59:23
VolcanicAkuma55Escape | 59:08 | 100%
iLL_Pazzo commented: "yikes"
iLL_Pazzo confirmed their time - 58:48
iLL_Pazzo finished the race - 58:48
iLL_PazzoEscape | 58:34 | 100%
VolcanicAkuma55Liquid | 56:32 | 96%
VolcanicAkuma55Rex | 55:25 | 94%
iLL_PazzoLiquid | 56:00 | 96%
VolcanicAkuma55Red | 53:43 | 91%
iLL_PazzoRex | 54:45 | 94%
iLL_PazzoRed | 53:03 | 91%
VolcanicAkuma55Blue | 46:28 | 79%
iLL_PazzoBlue | 46:00 | 79%
VolcanicAkuma55Yellow | 42:59 | 74%
VolcanicAkuma55Yellow | 42:21 | 73%
VolcanicAkuma55PAL | 41:57 | 72%
iLL_PazzoYellow | 42:48 | 74%
iLL_PazzoPAL | 42:12 | 73%
VolcanicAkuma55Raven | 39:53 | 69%
VolcanicAkuma55Pazzo Delivery | 37:57 | 65%
iLL_PazzoRaven | 39:46 | 68%
VolcanicAkuma55Wolf 2 | 37:02 | 64%
iLL_PazzoPazzo Delivery | 37:47 | 65%
VolcanicAkuma55Hind | 34:53 | 61%
iLL_PazzoWolf 2 | 36:53 | 64%
iLL_PazzoHind | 33:54 | 60%
VolcanicAkuma55Boba Skip | 30:28 | 53%
repeatzzzzz commented: "crashed on a very good pace :("
iLL_PazzoBoba Skip | 29:23 | 52%
repeatzzzzz abandoned the race
VolcanicAkuma55Prison Break | 25:57 | 47%
repeatzzzzzPrison Break | 26:55 | 48%
iLL_PazzoPrison Break | 25:48 | 46%
VolcanicAkuma55Wolf | 22:20 | 40%
repeatzzzzzWolf | 23:14 | 41%
iLL_PazzoWolf | 22:11 | 40%
VolcanicAkuma55Armory | 20:18 | 37%
VolcanicAkuma55Armory | 19:52 | 36%
repeatzzzzzArmory | 20:51 | 37%
iLL_PazzoArmory | 20:08 | 36%
VolcanicAkuma55Mantis | 17:50 | 31%
VolcanicAkuma55Ninja | 17:02 | 28%


Top Ratings
1647 - iLL_Pazzo
Top Times This Month